泰晤时报中文网 > 新闻 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界艺术名家苏忠越专题报道


International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Su Zhongyue


苏忠越,男,字弓长、号青云山人,1943年生,中国福建省永安市人,中学语文高级教师,教学论文《漫谈语文课外教学“工程”》入编《中国当代语文教育研究文库》第一卷,教学论文获全国语文教师四项全能竞赛一等奖,并入编《全国语文教师四项全能竞赛获奖精选》,曾被聘为华中教育信息研究中心特约研究员。现为江西省人文书画院院士、北京林都书画研究院名誉主席、北京大学书画艺术研究院客座教授、北京当代环球书画院艺术顾问等,自幼学书,后以临习王羲之行书为主。多年来参加几十次全国书法大赛,多次获奖,多次被《中国书画500强》组委会评为百佳人物。有评论家评苏忠越先生书法为“朴素淡雅中见俊美,端庄凝重中显韵味,笔法精致,秾纤折中、俊逸挺秀、雄浑苍茫、笔画清劲、气度不凡、雅俗共赏。先生的书法传统功力深厚,书法艺术造诣为世界各国书法界人士所熟悉和称道,在国内外享有较高的声誉,在当代中国书坛上独树一帜……。作品入编《紫光阁国礼名人录》、《中国书画收藏指南》、《中华艺术瑰宝》、《中国书画艺术典藏》、《2015华人美术年鉴》、《中华百家姓诗书画人物辞典》、(2019)《中国当代书画名家收藏年鉴》、2019-2020(典藏集)《世界华人艺术名家收藏年鉴》等几十部典籍,近年多幅作品入选烧制瓷器珍品“中国红瓷”。 作品多次参加展览并被收藏,曾被授予“中国紫砂(陶艺)书法艺术家”等荣誉称号。

Su Zhongyue, male, courtesy name Gongchang, name Qingyunshan, born in 1943, from Yong'an City, Fujian Province, China, is a senior middle school Chinese teacher. The teaching paper "On the "Project" of Chinese Extracurricular Teaching" was compiled into the "Chinese Contemporary Chinese Education Research Library" "Volume 1, the teaching paper won the first prize of the National Chinese Teachers' Quadathlon Competition, and was incorporated into the "National Chinese Teachers' Quadathlon Competition Award-winning Selection", and was hired as a special researcher of the Huazhong Education Information Research Center. He is now an academician of Jiangxi Academy of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy, honorary chairman of Beijing Lindu Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, visiting professor of Peking University Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, and art consultant of Beijing Contemporary Global Painting and Calligraphy Academy. Over the years, he has participated in dozens of national calligraphy competitions, won many awards, and has been rated as one of the top 100 characters by the "Top 500 Chinese Calligraphy and Painting" organizing committee. Some critics commented that Mr. Su Zhongyue's calligraphy is "simple and elegant, but beautiful, dignified and dignified, showing charm, exquisite brushwork, delicate and eclectic, handsome and graceful, vigorous and vast, clear strokes, extraordinary bearing, and tastes both elegant and popular. Mr.'s calligraphy With profound traditional skills, calligraphy art accomplishments are familiar and praised by calligraphy circles all over the world, enjoying a high reputation at home and abroad, and being unique in contemporary Chinese calligraphy. Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Collection Guide, Treasures of Chinese Art, Collection of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, 2015 Chinese Art Yearbook, Dictionary of Chinese Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Characters, (2019) Yearbook of Famous Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Collection, 2019 -2020 (Collection Collection) "World Chinese Artists Collection Yearbook" and other dozens of classics, in recent years, many works have been selected for firing porcelain treasures "Chinese Red Porcelain". The works have participated in exhibitions and collected many times, and have been awarded the "Chinese Purple Clay" (Ceramic Art) Calligraphy Artist" and other honorary titles.






















