泰晤时报中文网 > 新闻 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界艺术名家董文政专题报道


International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Dong Wenzheng



董文政艺名吴默(1938——),苏州大学美术教授,著名书画家,以真丝双绉为载体的《中国当代帛画——吴默画》的创始人。文化旅游部中外文化交流大使,中国传统文化传承顾问。获联合国和平勋章、应聘为联合国文艺宣传大使。获法国巴黎市徽金质勋章、聘任为卢浮宫名誉副馆长。英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院士、莎士比亚世界文艺金奖、亚洲文学艺术代表和世界文化奠基人的荣誉称号,并特聘为“莎士比亚文学博物馆”名誉馆长。此外美国 SVSU 大学美术学院客座教授、荷兰皇家艺术学院高级学术顾问、瑞典皇家艺术学院外籍院士、俄罗斯国立艺术家协会荣誉会籍、香港文化艺术总会荣誉主席。与此同时在国内外办展 30 多次,荣获世纪德艺双馨艺术家世界非物质文化遗产功勋奖,世界最美艺术家和中国艺术伟人等荣誉称号。


Dong Wenzheng, whose stage name is Wu Mo (1938-), is a professor of fine arts at Soochow University, a famous calligrapher and painter, and the founder of "ChineseContemporary Silk Paintings - Wu Mo Paintings" with silk crepe de chine as the carrier. Chinese and foreign cultural exchange ambassador of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, consultant of traditional Chinese culture inheritance. Won the United Nations Peace Medal and applied for the United Nations Cultural and Art Promotion Ambassador. He was awarded the Gold Medal of the City Emblem of Paris, France, and was appointed as the Honorary Deputy Director of the Louvre Museum. Honorary Academician of the Royal Academy of Arts, Shakespeare World Literature and Art Gold Medal, Asian Literature and Art Representative and World Culture Founder Honorary Title, and Distinguished as the Honorary Curator of "Shakespeare Literary Museum". In addition, he is a visiting professor at the Academy of Fine Arts of SVSU University in the United States, a senior academic advisor of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts, a foreign academician of the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts, an honorary member of the Russian National Artists Association, and an honorary chairman of the Hong Kong Culture and Arts Association. At the same time, he has held more than 30 exhibitions at home and abroad, and won the World Intangible Cultural Heritage Merit Award of the Century Deyi Shuangxin Artist, the world's most beautiful artist and the great man of Chinese art and other honorary titles.





















《精卫填海》 当代帛画






























