泰晤时报中文网 > 新闻 > 国际艺术风向标人物——世界艺术名家华学文专题报道


International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Hua Xuewen


自幼喜爱美术,现为福建省美术家协会会员,福建省金秋书画院画师,中国文人美术家协会理事,特批中国美术家协会会员、国家一级书画师、中国美协名誉理事、中国文联名誉顾问、中国高级书画家协会理事,中国国家书画院终身名誉院长,中华国际书画院名誉教授,世界艺术家联合会会员,中国国画院(香港)院士,中国著名书画家协会理事,中国炎黄艺术协会副主席,中国国际艺术家协会博学会员,中国书面艺术家协会会员,台北故宫书画院终身名誉院长、院士,香港羲之书画院终身名誉副院长,香港特别行政区书画社名誉社长,中国画艺术研究协会副主席、联合国美术家协会会员(曾任副主席)以及英格兰皇家艺术基金会永久学术顾问、世界教科文卫组织艺术委员会执行委员并授予大不列颠百科艺术家等,艺术作品参加全国性征稿的画展中曾获特等奖、金奖、银奖、铜奖30余项,并入编(中国书画家年鉴》、《中华风骨 · 世纪名画》、《人民艺术家》、荣宝斋《艺研 · 中国艺术》、《海内外中国书画艺术当代名家》、《新中国国礼艺术大师》、《当代艺坛三人行》、《大人大艺益师益友》、《艺术 · 风范》、《三希 · 石渠宝芨》、《中国艺坛形像大使》、《艺术与文明的对话》、《中国艺术大使》、《当代艺坛风云——喜迎十八大》、《中国传世书画两大家》、《大家风范书画颂歌》、《三名工程》、《中国艺术名家》、《书画百年领军人物》、《大国艺术》、《中国国际艺术大家三人行》、《金砖艺术家》、《一带一路——国家名片》合集以及《当代中国书画实力派艺术系列丛书》、《丹青墨韵》专集等140余部书画集。


Hua Xuewen. Born in 1937, male, Han nationality, from Huajia Village, Shanghang County, Fujian Province (the hometown of Huayan, a famous painter from Xinluoshan in Qing Dynasty), graduated from university. Former director of the pision, now employed as a researcher at the China Academy of Management Sciences in Beijing. He has published more than 20 papers in relevant academic journals, won 7 awards, and has been included in seven collections including "Who's Who in the World" and "List of Chinese Education Experts".

He has loved art since childhood. He is now a member of the Fujian Artists Association, a painter of the Fujian Golden Autumn Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a director of the Chinese Literati Artists Association, a member of the China Artists Association, a national first-class painter and calligrapher, an honorary director of the China Artists Association, and the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. Honorary Consultant, Director of China Senior Calligraphers and Painters Association, Lifetime Honorary President of China National Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Honorary Professor of China International Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Member of World Artists Federation, Academician of China Academy of Chinese Painting (Hong Kong), Director of China Famous Calligraphers and Painters Association, China Yanhuang Art Vice Chairman of the Association, learned member of China International Artists Association, member of Chinese Writing Artists Association, Lifetime Honorary President and Academician of Taipei Palace Museum of Calligraphy and Painting, Lifetime Honorary Vice President of Hong Kong Xizhi Calligraphy and Painting Academy, Honorary President of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Calligraphy and Painting Society, Chinese Painting Art Research Vice-Chairman of the Association, member of the United Nations Artists Association (former Vice-Chairman), permanent academic advisor of the Royal Art Foundation of England, executive member of the World UNESCO Art Committee and awarded to the artists of the Encyclopedia of Britannica, etc. Art works participate in the national painting exhibition. He has won more than 30 special awards, gold awards, silver awards, and bronze awards, and has been included in the compilation (Chinese Calligraphy and Painter Yearbook, "Chinese Style and Famous Paintings of the Century", "People's Artists", Rongbaozhai's "Art Research·Chinese Art", "Contemporary Famous Masters of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art at Home and Abroad", "New China National Ritual Art Master", "Three Walks in the Contemporary Art Circle", "Adults and Artists Helping Teachers and Friends", "Art·Style", "Sanxi·Shiqu Baoji" , "Image Ambassador of Chinese Art", "Dialogue between Art and Civilization", "Ambassador of Chinese Art", "Contemporary Art World - Welcome to the 18th National Congress", "Two Great Masters of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", "Famous Painting and Calligraphy Ode, "Three Projects", "Famous Chinese Artists", "Hundred Years of Calligraphy and Painting Leaders", "Art of Great Powers", "Three People of China's International Artists", "BRIC Artists", "The Belt and Road - National Business Cards" The collection and more than 140 calligraphy and painting collections, including the "Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Powerful Art Series" and "Danqing Moyun" special collection.




Appreciation of works


神七向天梦成真,八仙歌舞庆凯旋 139×70cm

God's Seven Directions to Heaven's Dream Come True, Eight Immortals sing and dance to celebrate their triumph 139×70cm


兴致时颂东方红 46×70cm

The Ode to the East is Red 46×70cm


夏日荷花不染尘 69×69cm

Summer lotus does not stain dust 69×69cm


多子多福 46×69cm

Duozi Duofu 46×69cm


铁骨凌霄 46×70cm

Iron Bone Sky 46×70cm



good luck


马到成功 46×70cm

Horse to Success 46×70cm


乾坤独啸 139×70cm

Qiankun Solo Howl 139×70cm


秋艳 100×50cm

Qiu Yan 100×50cm


高瞻 139×70cm

Gao Zhan 139×70cm


双寿 139×70cm

Shuangshou 139×70cm


松岭长岁月 鸽语寄和谐 136×69cm

Songling Long Years, Pigeons Sending Harmony 136×69cm


知音 136×69 cm

Zhiyin 136×69 cm


富贵有余 100×50cm

Rich and Noble 100×50cm



