International Art weathervane -- special report of world famous artist Sun Xueqing
孙雪清,笔名:苏人,男,1949年10月出生,中共党员,毕业于第四军医大学航空医学系,原在空军某疗养院工作,后调入总装备部无锡某研究所工作现已退休,自由爱书法, 同时受父辈的熏陶,小学时的书法作业常在全校展览,大学时就参加全校书画展。大学毕业后工作之余不断钻研书法,访名师,求提高。1985 -1987年参加上海书法专修学校中、高级班培训两年(函授),1987年后参加全国性书画展多次,曾获国际金奖、银奖、铜奖、优秀奖多次,92、93年参加日本大阪、东京都、神户、姬路等八城市个人书画巡回展,获得成功。并由日中文化友协会长常福田一良亲自签发《个人书画巡回展证书》及《荣誉证书》。2003年第七届世界艺术大会书法作品《爱我中华》获金爵奖,同年纪念毛泽东诞辰110周年书画展,书法作品《黄鹤楼》获优秀作品一等奖。2005年纪念抗战胜利60周年书画展及2006年《中华杯》新北京新奥运书画展分别再获三等奖和银奖。2007年,《庐山杯》及《宝利来杯》建军80周年书法作品分别获两个金奖和一个一等奖。2019年首届中国顶级书画大师赛获特等奖,2019年货无锡市退役军人书画展一等奖。现任中国书法家协会会员,中国书画家协会理事、名誉主席、澳门文化形象大使、曲阜鸿儒书画院副院长、香港书法家协会会员、中国名家书画院荣誉院长、无锡老干部书画协会理事。曾被08年奥运会、建国60周年、93年大阅兵、北京长城修复特约提贺词。作品被岭南书画院、烟台艺术城、韩国碑林园等收藏。作品、传略入编世界书法家经典,中国专家名人录、国际书画精品集和中韩书画名家大辞典。在研究、继承书画艺术中,勤学苦练、师古而不泥;在弘扬中华传统文化上不断作出贡献。
Sun Xueqing, pseudonym: Su Ren, male, born in October 1949, a member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Department of Aviation Medicine of the Fourth Military Medical University. I love calligraphy freely, and at the same time, influenced by my parents, my calligraphy assignments in elementary school were often exhibited in the whole school, and when I was in college, I participated in the school's calligraphy and painting exhibition. After graduating from university, he continued to study calligraphy in his spare time, visited famous teachers, and sought improvement. From 1985 to 1987, he participated in the two-year training (correspondence) in the intermediate and advanced classes of Shanghai Calligraphy Specialized School. After 1987, he participated in many national painting and calligraphy exhibitions, and won the international gold, silver, bronze and excellence awards for many times. In 2008, he participated in the personal painting and calligraphy tour exhibition in eight cities including Osaka, Tokyo, Kobe, Himeji, etc., and achieved success. And by Chang Fu, president of the Japan-China Cultural Friendship Association Tian Yiliang personally issued the "Certificate of Personal Painting and Calligraphy Tour Exhibition" and "Certificate of Honor". In 2003, the calligraphy work "Love My China" won the Golden Goblet Award at the 7th World Art Conference. In the same year, the calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 110th anniversary of Mao Zedong's birth, the calligraphy work "Yellow Crane Tower" won the first prize for outstanding works. In 2005, the calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the 2006 "China Cup" New Beijing New Olympic Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition won the third prize and the silver award respectively. In 2007, the calligraphy works of "Lushan Cup" and "Baolilai Cup" won two gold awards and one first prize respectively. In 2019, he won the special prize in the first China's top painting and calligraphy masters competition, and the first prize in the 2019 Wuxi Veteran Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. He is currently a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a director and honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, an ambassador for Macao's cultural image, the vice president of the Qufu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Institute, a member of the Hong Kong Calligraphers Association, the honorary president of the Chinese Famous Calligraphy and Painting Institute, and a director of the Wuxi Veteran Calligraphy and Painting Association. He has been specially given congratulatory messages by the 2008 Olympic Games, the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 1993 military parade, and the restoration of the Great Wall in Beijing. His works are collected by Lingnan Painting and Calligraphy Institute, Yantai Art City, Korean Stele Forest Garden, etc. His works and biographies have been compiled into the classics of world calligraphers, the Who's Who of Chinese Experts, the International Collection of Fine Arts in Calligraphy and Painting, and the Dictionary of Chinese and Korean Calligraphy and Painting Masters. In researching and inheriting the art of calligraphy and painting, he is diligent and hard-working, learning from the past without muddying; he has made continuous contributions to the promotion of traditional Chinese culture.