世界无车:全球的街道禁止车辆通行,以彰显空气污染的威胁No cars in the world: streets around the world are closed to traffic to highlight the threat of air pollution.作者:admin浏览:4332019-10-07
调查显示,只有四分之一的人会相信无人驾驶汽车足以放开方向盘According to the survey, only a quarter of people believe that driverless cars are enough to release the steering wheel.作者:admin浏览:20572019-10-07
过去五年中,M1的道路工程造成的追尾次数比英国任何路线都要多In the past five years, M1 road projects have caused more rear-end collisions than any other route in Britain.作者:admin浏览:1942019-10-07
零售商被指控利用中东石油攻击骗取司机每升汽油4便士的收益Retailers are accused of using Middle East oil attacks to defraud drivers of 4p per litre of petrol.作者:admin浏览:1392019-10-07
托马斯·库克(Thomas Cook)老板因破产而面临审查Thomas Cook\'s boss faces scrutiny for bankruptcy作者:admin浏览:3282019-09-25
大众高层管理人员被指控操纵市场Senior management of the public is accused of manipulating the market.作者:admin浏览:2702019-09-25
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