泰晤时报中文网 > 商业 > 李一萍女士的公益课程“后疫情时代的企业竞争力”已于近日正式开课


Ms. Li Yiping\'s public welfare course "Corporate Competitiveness in the Post Epidemic Era" has rece


Li Yiping is the founder and president of Beijing Yike Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., and a senior consultant for domestic and foreign enterprises. She is committed to helping enterprises empower exponential growth and achieve comprehensive implementation of business systems and strategies from phased planning to operational indicators, as well as support for technology development, professional risk control, digital upgrading, etc., in order to achieve stable development between enterprises and industries, as well as mutual conversion of resources and funds. Ms. Li Yiping held an online event on the new situation and perspectives of future management in line with the development of the post pandemic era. As a senior business consultant for multiple domestic and foreign enterprises, Ms. Li Yiping provided in-depth solutions and suggestions for multiple industries in 2024 from the perspectives of technological foresight, characteristics of the post pandemic era, economic stability, and enterprise breakthroughs in finding new opportunities. As visiting professors, entrepreneurship and innovation consultants, tenured professors at foreign universities, academicians, and other professionals in the digital transformation expert database after professional selection. Previously, Ms. Li Yiping conducted shared courses on entrepreneurship and innovation, metaverse, and digitalization. The first phase of the corporate competitiveness public welfare course in the post pandemic era was highly praised and recognized by the industry.




