泰晤时报中文网 > 商业 > 威尼斯双年展特别推荐艺术家刘慧明































2012年第七届海峡两岸书画大展书法荣获精英奖;花鸟画荣获佳作奖,并被组委会收藏;受聘为中原书画院“高级书画师”;特授予“海峡两岸书画交流爱心艺术家” 荣誉称号。参选出版第七届海峡两岸书画大展作品集。






2013年参加中国.迎神十载人航天飞行成功公益书画展荣获银奖,并授予中国载人航天书画艺术家终身成就奖证书和奖牌;入编《见证辉煌 翰墨添彩--中国神十载人航天飞行成功杰出书画艺术名家大典》作品集;作品在香港国际展贸中心慈善义拍,义拍善款全部捐献希望小学,并授予中国慈善书画艺术爱心大使称号。











2014年参加中国.迎亚太经合组织[APCE]峰会中国当代书画展公益活动评为银奖;并授予”2014年北京APCE峰会最具影响力的书画名家荣誉称号;作品入编《丹青歌盛世 翰墨颂中华---走向世界的中国当代书画艺术名家大典》;书画作品在北京全国政协礼堂举行书画巡展--在香港;首尔;新加坡;印尼;澳大利亚进行巡展;绘画作品《秋硕》及书法《解放科技,发展思想》由APCE中华艺术博物馆书画展厅收藏;载入史册;并获APCE中华艺术博物馆书画收藏证书。








2015年绘画作品《观瀑图》,书法《大展宏图》在2015年纪念中国人民抗战胜利70周年庆典书画展活动中;被评为“银奖”。并授予“中国爱国书画艺术名家”荣誉称号。颁发精美荣誉牌匾及荣誉证书。作品入编《抗战颂 爱国心 强国梦---中华翰墨书画名家大典》作品集;书画作品于北京全国政协礼堂举行首展。尔后其书画作品在香港,首尔,新加坡,印尼,俄罗斯【国立特列季亚科夫美术馆特别展出】进行巡展;巡展结束后,其作品将由纪念中国人民抗战胜利70周年庆典书画展组委会呈送抗战纪念馆收藏,载入史册,颁发收藏证书。书画作品被中国人民抗日战争纪念馆【海外:美国旧金山】收藏。




2016年绘画作品《鸭趣》,书法《上天揽月》,在2016年迎神十一载人航天飞行成功中国当代书画名家精品展书画大赛中,经书画专家评选委运会严格评选,荣获银奖。作品及传略入编《飞天梦 强国梦 中国梦---中国当代书画名家精品大典》作品集,鉴于书画艺术创作上取得的成就及影响力,评委会一致推荐并授予“中国载人航天艺术成就杰出贡献艺术家”荣誉称号。
















2019年参加庆祝建国70周年中国当代书画名家精品展。荣获中国当代书画名家终身成就奖牌与证书。盛世中华 墨香筑梦 国庆盛典 铸就辉煌—庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年入编中国当代书画名家精品大典,作品被组委会收藏并荣获勋章一枚。









2021年《盛世再启 共印辉煌》中国当代艺术大家献礼两会------刘慧明。



2021年不忘初心 铸就辉煌庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,中国书画名家-----刘慧明电子版邮册。

2021年庆祝中国共产党成立100周年百年辉煌 百位名家百年献礼珍藏邮册艺术家卷。

2021年百年沉淀 共创辉煌庆祝中国共产党成立100周年,中国国际集邮文创中心,博藏华韵公司出版发行中国当代书画名家----刘慧明国家名片限量版珍藏邮册。

2021年百年华诞 传承经典 笔墨随时代 丹青颂中华庆祝建党100周年中国当代书画名家精品展我和我的祖国国画作品《荷风舞霓裳》荣获金奖。特授予“建党一百周年-新时代优秀艺术家”荣誉称号。并荣获百年华诞 传承经典-新时代优秀艺术家奖章。作品及传略入编《庆祝中国共产党成立100周年-中国当代书画名家精品大典》作品集,其作品被庆祝建党100周年中国当代书画名家精品展组委会收藏并颁发收藏证书。

2021年奥运与艺术同行 为冬奥加油  为祖国喝彩出版新年挂历。

2021年百年辉煌 百年复兴---文化中国 时代榜样庆祝中国共产党成立100周年入选国际邮册出版发行。












2021年刘慧明/炫舞冰雪助冬奥  翰墨丹青颂神州------中国书画家名家网邀请展;2021年全球一分钟/刘慧明—2022年全球艺术名家贺新春。





2022年参加文艺两新特别推荐艺术家------刘慧明献礼全国两会活动;《传世国玉  名家名作》让传统文化走进人民生活活动;[传世国玉 名家名作]------刘慧明诗词书画作品网络宣传。

2022年[一代名家 镇纸首发]-------刘慧明书画作品赏析匠心之作书画玉镇纸;音频二维码制作。











2022年盛世翰墨  时代丹青向中国共产党第二十次全国代表大会献礼;书画作品及传略入编并出版<盛世翰墨  时代丹青-中国当代书画名家精品大典>作品集;并授予”献礼二十大-优秀人民艺术家荣誉称号和荣誉纪念章”。


Introduction to Liu Huiming

Han nationality, from Tianjin, born in 1974, has been nurtured by his family since childhood and loves painting. After the age of fifteen, he visited famous teachers, once studied under Chen Desheng, and correspondence at Tianjin Oriental Art Institute, worshiped Sun Benchang, Han Wenlai, Huo Chunyang, Zhao Shusong, Ma Qichang as a teacher to study the art of painting, dull but not wise, but also grown. Studied at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, benefited from the instructions of various teachers, dabbled in Western painting, and was personally passed down by teacher Sun Jianping. After that, he studied at Tianjin Normal University, and in the same year, he was recommended by Nankai University to Beijing Linxing Academy of Fine Arts for correspondence teaching, which benefited a lot. In recent years, the pen is cultivated, the ink sea sails, a little experience and diligent in poetry and song, taking the artistic conception in the mastery, the brush is interesting, and the creativity in the pond can be "two-handed calligraphy and painting". And set the four "poetry, calligraphy, painting and printing" into one, seeking the meaning of Yue Wang Wei, and seeking to break through the realm of "four wonders". Time is not waiting to be created by innovators, and the intention is natural. With the famous teachers and friends of the art club, passing on the national essence of the Chinese nation is a lifelong wish.

In 1999, he won the third prize in the Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting to Welcome the Return of Macao, won the Excellence Award in the Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, and is now a member of Tianjin Jinghai County Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

In 2008, he participated in the Shanghai "World Expo" Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition and the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

In 2009, he participated in the first "Yellow River Soul" Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of Chushan.com, won the best prize, and was appointed as an academician of the Beijing Yellow River Culture Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

In 2009, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition of Shanxi sons and daughters, and Chinese painting was selected for the competition.

In 2009, he participated in the selection and was included in the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the motherland from glory to new glory; From brilliant to brilliant entries.

In 2009, he was included in the collection of 1,000 calligraphers and painters.

In 2010, Cai Shihua's poetry and calligraphy and painting collection commissioned calligraphy and painting works.

In 2010, he participated in the National Teachers' Calligraphy and Painting Art Exhibition and won the bronze award. Enthusiastic about social welfare undertakings, donated disaster teaching assistants, donated paintings to earthquake-stricken areas, and donated calligraphy and paintings to the General Calligraphy and Painting Institute to build Hope Primary School.

In 2010, he was invited to write the inscription for the first food safety knowledge competition.

In 2010, he became a member of the China International Calligraphy and Painting Association.

2010 China Calligraphy and Painting Association. The Art Committee of the Zhongshi Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center in Dalian, China, rated the calligraphy works "Harmony Together" and "Heaven High Source Freedom, Sea Broad Wind" as the collection works of China Hongyuan Culture and Art Exhibition Center.

In 2010, he won the third prize in the Shandong Zaozhuang Poetry and Painting Competition and became a director of the Huaxia Poetry and Painting Art Association. and published a list of invited exhibitions of works of Chinese painting and calligraphy; A collection of works by Chinese poetry and calligraphers.

In 2010, he won the silver medal of Shengshi Sunshine Calligraphy and Painting, and the title of "Charity Artist";

In 2010, he won the third prize in the first "Xinghai Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition;

In 2010, he won the "China Top 100 Outstanding People" trophy; Participated in the publication of the collection of "Chinese Characters".

In 2010, his works were selected for Sino-British cultural exchanges in commemoration of Sun Yat-sen's calligraphy and painting exhibition;

In 2011, the first "Bouldering Cup" International Children's Calligraphy and Painting Competition won the Excellence Award for Fine Art Calligraphy Education Achievements; Won the Gold Award for Art Calligraphy Education Counseling;

In 2011, he was selected into the "Chinese Culture Hall of Fame" and awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Cultural Celebrity"; Appointed as the "Art Advisor" of the Chinese Cultural Research Institute;

In 2011, he was included in the compilation of Chinese Elite Artists and was hired as an advisor to the editorial board of "Chinese Talents"; Participated in the publication of the collection of Chinese Talents.

In 2012, Liu Huiming Calligraphy and Painting Art Studio of All-China Federation of Calligraphy and Painters was established, and he was appointed as the honorary chairman of All-China Calligraphy and Painters Federation, the director of Liu Huiming's Calligraphy and Painting Art Studio, and a member of All-China Calligraphy and Painters Federation;

In 2012, he was awarded the honorary title of "Young Painting and Calligraphy Art Master" by the China International Modern Art Research Center, and served as a researcher of the China International Modern Art Research Center; The certificate of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters was issued by China International Artists Association.

In 2012, People's Daily was screened by the Ministry of Culture to issue honorary certificates and specially awarded the "Year of the Dragon" commendation;

In 2012, he joined the China International Artists Association as a senior calligrapher and art consultant;

In 2012, his works were included in the "Chinese Calligraphy Art Yearbook" (2012 volume) and awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Calligraphy Painter";

In 2012, China Art Expo magazine participated in the publication of the "Art Storm" calligraphy and painting collection;

In 2012, he participated in the selection of the Huafuxi Cultural Research Association and the China Culture Publishing House published the collection of "Artists the People Need";

In 2012, the works of the 7th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition won the Excellent Work Award and were collected by the organizing committee; He was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Artist of Contemporary Landscape Painting" and was selected to publish the collection of works of the Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition.

In 2012, the calligraphy of the 7th Cross-Strait Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition won the Elite Award; The flower and bird painting won the excellent work award and was collected by the organizing committee; He was employed as a "senior calligrapher and painter" of the Zhongyuan Calligraphy and Painting Institute; The honorary title of "Cross-Strait Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Loving Artist" is hereby awarded. Participated in the publication of the 7th Cross-Strait Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

In 2012, Liu Huiming International Studio was established in Chinese Minji Art Network, and he was appointed as a director of the China International Youth Calligraphy and Painters Association.

In 2013, he participated in the exhibition of calligraphy and painting art of Hanmo Art Research Institute and was included in the "Exhibition Catalog".

In 2013, he participated in the China International Philatelic Network Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition and was twice included in the commemorative stamp album "Beautiful China".

In 2013, he participated in the organization of the Chinese Academy of Famous Calligraphy and Painting, and the calligrapher and painter who lived in the Chinese art scene were appointed as editorial board members and consultants.

In 2013, he participated in China's first online art exhibition, and outstanding artists were included in the calligraphy and painting exhibition "Shengshi Collection. Masters of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting"; Publication and distribution of "Chinese Artists' Works ------ CD-ROM"; Liu Huiming's Digital Library of Calligraphy and Painting Art was established.

Participated in China in 2013. Yingshen 10 Manned Space Flight Success Public Welfare Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition won the silver award, and awarded the Chinese manned space calligraphy and painting artist lifetime achievement award certificate and medal; Included in the collection of "Witnessing the Splendor and Adding Color--The Outstanding Calligraphy and Painting Art Master's Classic of China's Ten Manned Space Flight Success"; The works were donated to Hope Primary School at the Hong Kong International Exhibition and Exhibition Centre, and the title of China Charity Calligraphy and Painting Art Ambassador.

In 2013, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition in Changsha to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao;

In 2013, he participated in the calligraphy exhibition in Beijing to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the birth of Chairman Mao;

In 2013, he was awarded the 2013 Honorary Certificate and Medal of Contemporary Chinese Virtue and Art Double Xin Calligraphy and Painting by the Zhongyuan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting;

In 2014, he participated in the exhibition of famous calligraphy and painting artists in China, which attracted the most attention from enterprises; He also participated in the exhibition of calligraphy and painting celebrating the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and his works were selected into the ""Prosperous China" Famous Calligraphy and Painting Circles Tribute to the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China Blessing Special Issue" and won an honorary certificate.

In 2014, he was appointed as the honorary consultant of Beijing Oriental Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Institute.

2014 "2014 commemorates the 120th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese War. The 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the First World War.7.7 The 77th anniversary of the National War of Resistance.The 69th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.Celebration of the successful holding of the Nanjing Meeting.The 65th anniversary of the National Chinese Artists Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition won the third prize; Included in the "Collection of Chinese Artists' Calligraphy and Painting Joint Exhibition"; The Huaxia Poetry and Painting Artists Association presented the "Huaxia Art Special Issue".

In 2014, he joined the National Federation of Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art and became the chairman of the committee.

In 2014, he was invited to celebrate the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the famous Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting artist "The 65th Anniversary of Glory" was included in the Chinese stamp album and received an honorary certificate.

In 2014, he participated in the celebration of the 65th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China by China International Philatelic Network and invited to be included in the commemorative stamp album "Brilliant 65th Anniversary".

In 2014, Beijing Talent Art Development Center Shengshi Collection_Red Treasure Book published the book "Shengshi Collection of Art Collection".

Participated in China in 2014. Silver Award for the Public Welfare Activities of the China Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to welcome the APCE Summit; And awarded the honorary title of "the most influential calligraphy and painting master at the 2014 Beijing APCE Summit; His works were included in the compilation of "Danqing Song Shengshi Han Mo Song Chinese --- to the World Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art Master's Classic"; A tour exhibition of calligraphy and painting works was held at the auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing – in Hong Kong; Seoul; Singapore; Indonesia; Australia tours; The painting "Qiu Shuo" and the calligraphy "Liberation of Science and Technology, Development of Thought" are collected by the Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Hall of APCE Chinese Art Museum; History; He also obtained the APCE Chinese Art Museum Calligraphy and Painting Collection Certificate.

In 2015, he was invited by Beijing Oriental Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy to publish his personal calligraphy and painting album "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters", the most collectible contemporary art master.

In 2015, he was invited to commemorate the 36th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, and was selected as an artist of "Sino-US Outstanding Chinese Stamps"; 2015 Outstanding Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Artists in China and the United States" published the "Outstanding Chinese Liu Huiming Stamp Book Commemorative Collection" published and distributed worldwide; "2015 Sino-US Cultural Exchange Ambassador".

In 2015, the certificate of Chinese painting and calligraphy masters was issued by the International ISO2000 Art Value Copyright Certification Center; He serves as a director of the Chinese Traditional Culture Poetry and Painting Association, and his calligraphy and painting works are exhibited and promoted in key cities at home and abroad, such as Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Canada, and Australia.

In 2015, the China International Artists Association awarded the honorary title of "Virtuous and Art Artist".

In 2015, he was awarded the "Excellent Work Award" in the invitation exhibition of Chinese Dream Journey and Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masterpieces held at the Art Museum of Xiamen Chuanshi Art Museum. He also edited and published the exhibition journal of the works of Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting masters.

In 2015, the artwork was rated as "Excellent Work" in the "2015 International Cultural Industry Investment Fair" and the China Academy Conference Fresh Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition at the National Convention Center.

In 2015, he was invited by Beijing Oriental Hanlin Calligraphy and Painting Academy to publish and distribute Liu Dawei, a figure of Chinese art inheritance; LIU Huiming; Shen Peng: The most valuable contemporary artist in China.

In 2015, the painting "Waterfall View" and the calligraphy "Great Exhibition of Grandeur" were held in the 2015 Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance; Awarded the "Silver Award". And awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Patriotic Painting and Calligraphy Art Master". Exquisite plaques and certificates of honor will be awarded. His works were included in the collection of "Ode to the War of Resistance, Patriotism, and Dream of a Strong Country--- Chinese Hanmo Masters of Calligraphy and Painting"; The first exhibition of calligraphy and painting was held at the auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in Beijing. Later, his calligraphy and painting works were exhibited in Hong Kong, Seoul, Singapore, Indonesia, and Russia [Special Exhibition at the State Tretyakov Art Museum]; After the tour, his works will be submitted to the Anti-Japanese War Memorial Hall for the collection by the organizing committee of the calligraphy and painting exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, which will be recorded in history and a collection certificate will be issued. The calligraphy and painting works are collected by the Chinese Civil Anti-Japanese War Memorial [Overseas: San Francisco, USA].

In 2016, he was invited by China International Philatelic Network to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the pioneer of the times, and Liu Huiming, a famous contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting, to publish a limited-edition rare stamp book.

In 2016, the China Calligraphy and Painting Market Research Center was rated as a "first-class artist" with the artistic title of "Contracted Calligraphy Painter".

In 2016, he was invited to publish the "Chinese Business Card" on the "Generation and Road" of China Philatelic Culture Center Network, Guoyun Fenghua (Beijing) Culture Communication Co., Ltd., and the limited edition rare stamp album of Liu Huiming, a famous Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting master.

In 2016, the painting "Duck Fun" and the calligraphy "Heaven and the Moon", won the silver award in the 2016 Yingshen 11 Manned Space Flight Success Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exhibition Calligraphy and Painting Competition. ---In view of the achievements and influence of calligraphy and painting art creation, the jury unanimously recommended and awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Contribution Artist of China's Manned Space Art Achievements".

In 2017, he won the first prize in the 4th Contemporary Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Artists Invitational Competition, and his representative works were compiled into the "China Calligraphy and Painting Art Market Yearbook" [Edited Edition], and was awarded the qualification title of "The Most Collectible and Investment Value Calligraphy and Painter in Contemporary China".

In 2017, I welcomed the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, not forgetting my original intention---- continuing to move forward with Chinese contemporary art. Masterpiece Limited Edition Collector's Booklet. The artist was included in the selection album.

In 2017, the Organizing Committee of the New Great Wall of China specially invited to build our new Great Wall; The Chinese dream of national rejuvenation is inscribed and engraved on the new Great Wall of China; Won the "China Great Wall Culture Gold Award" and "China Great Wall Artist" honorary certificate and crystal trophy; Special interviews by national website radio stations; And established the personal official website of artist Liu Huiming - the artist of the New Great Wall of China.

In December 2017, his calligraphy and painting works were awarded the "Third Wang Xizhi" in the "Ode to the People's Leader Mao Zedong" Original Poetry and Calligraphy and Painting Recitation Competition Award. Gu Kai's Cup Calligraphy and Painting Master New Talent Award".

In 2018, he was invited by China Philatelic Publicity Center Network and Beijing Jierun Culture Communication Co., Ltd. to be selected as a limited-edition collector's stamp album of the Belt and Road Culture Pioneer Building the Chinese Dream and Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters.

In 2018, he was invited by China Philatelic Culture Center Network and Guoyun Fenghua (Beijing) Culture Communication Co., Ltd. to be selected into the "New Era and New Silk Road" Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Limited Edition Collector's Book.

In 2018, he was invited to ""Concentrate on Building Dreams in a New Era" to present the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up, and the leading figure of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy art" was included in the art stamp issuance activity of Mingmo Qingchu (Beijing) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.

In 2018, China International Philatelic Network was invited to warmly celebrate the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Revolution, a large-scale documentary collection and set sail for Liu Huiming, a leading figure in contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting in the new era, and a large-scale documentary collection stamp album.

In 2019, Liu Huiming's calligraphy and painting works were engraved on 9 websites of the New Great Wall Cultural Park: Today's headlines; UC; Sohu; NetEase; Tencent; Janeshu; Hexun.com; A little information; Phoenix.com.

2019 Today's Headlines Report----- Yihai Picking Shells ---- Liu Huiming's works appreciated.

In 2019, the first "China Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition was a finalist.

In 2019, the global art trading center S established a calligraphy and painting website for sale.

In 2019, the Organizing Committee of the New Great Wall of China invited the publication of the rare book "Artists of the Great Wall of China" ---- published by the Federation of Literature and Literature Press.

In 2019, the Organizing Committee of the New Great Wall of China awarded the honorary title of "New Great Wall Artist".

In 2019, he participated in the China-Russia Vlapostok Art Tour and Yanbian Prefecture Literary and Art Exchange Pen Meeting. Cultural exchange activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, awarded the "Sino-Russian Cultural Exchange Cultural Ambassador"; Belt and Road "Meritorious Artist" honorary title.

In 2019, he participated in the exhibition of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy masterpieces to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Medal and Certificate of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting. Prosperous China, Ink Fragrance Building Dreams, National Day Ceremony, Casting Splendor - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China, it was included in the Fine Arts Ceremony of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting, and his works were collected by the Organizing Committee and awarded a medal.

In 2019, he won the second prize of the painting competition in the fourth "Grand Canal Cup" reading series in Jinghai District, Tianjin. and publish the footsteps of reform; The changes of Jinghai - a collection of winning works of the 4th "Grand Canal Cup" reading series in Jinghai District.

2019 Today's Headline Report: Celebrating with the National ---- Yihai Yangfan Painting Dan-Liu Huiming's works are appreciated.

In 2019, the China Federation of Literature and Painting Calligraphy and Painting Art Exchange Center, Henan Museum, and Zhongyuan Calligraphy and Painting Academy jointly organized "Green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains. In the large-scale academic activities of the 9th Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition, the work "Qiu Long" won the Excellent Work Award and was collected by the organizing committee. He was awarded the honorary title of "Outstanding Artist of Contemporary Chinese Landscape Painting".

In 2019, he won the honorary title of "National Gift Artist"; Publish the National Gift Artist Network to issue national gift artist certificates, medals, collection cards, and personal national gift exclusive seals.

In 2019, it was included in the compilation of Chinese culture into 10,000 families 2020 Gengzi Year Boutique Calendar [Yearbook] canon; Awarded the Commemorative Medal of Honorary Certificate.

2020 China Who's Who Encyclopedia Invitational Exhibition.

[Special topic of the two sessions in 2020] Interview with Liu Huiming, a famous artist of calligraphy and painting----.2020 National Calligraphy Network Micro-exhibition to Fight the Epidemic.

In 2021, "Prosperous Era Re-enlightenment, Common Printing and Glory" Chinese contemporary art everyone presented Liu Huiming, ------ the two sessions.

In 2021, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the exhibition of Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces.

In 2021, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Education Bureau celebrated the centenary of the founding of the Communist Party of China Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition; Jinghai Trade Union Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

In 2021, we will not forget our original intention to create a brilliant celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and the famous Chinese calligraphy and painting artist ----- Liu Huiming electronic stamp book.

In 2021, celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and 100 famous artists will present 100 famous artists to the 100th anniversary of the collection of stamp album artist volumes.

In 2021, a century of precipitation to create brilliance and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, China International Philatelic Cultural and Creative Center, and Bozang Huayun Company published and distributed a limited edition collector's stamp album of Liu Huiming, a famous Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting master----.

2021 Centennial Birthday, Inheriting Classics, Pen and Ink with the Times Danqing Song China, Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China, Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exhibition, My and My Motherland's Chinese Painting Works "Lotus Dancing Neon Clothes" won the gold medal. The honorary title of "Centenary of the Founding of the CPC - Outstanding Artist in the New Era" is hereby awarded. And won the Centennial Anniversary Inheritance Classic-New Era Outstanding Artist Medal. His works and biographies were included in the collection of "Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China - Classic of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters", and his works were collected by the Organizing Committee of the Organizing Committee of the Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China and issued a collection certificate.

2021 Olympics and Art Walk Cheer for the Winter Olympics Cheer for the motherland and publish a New Year's wall calendar.

2021 Centennial Glory Centennial Rejuvenation --- Culture China The role models of the times celebrated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and were selected for the publication of international stamp albums.

Participated in the 2021 Dream Cup Calligraphy and Painting Competition.

In 2021, he participated in the "Great Country Craftsman Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Art Competition Exhibition.

In 2021, the first "General Wine Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Competition Exhibition (Adult Group 4) "Fuhui Minsheng" won the silver award in the calligraphy category; (Adult Group 16) participated in the exhibition "Lotus Wind Drunken Frost Day" won the silver award in the art category; The first quarter of the 2021 "Asian Games Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Photography Competition (Phase 4) was exhibited.

2021 [Red Memory] Liu Huiming--- Exhibition of Works Celebrating the 72nd Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China; Liu Huiming's "Xuan Dance Ice and Snow Clan Winter Ohan Mo Dan Qingsong Shenzhou" ------ Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters Network Invitation Exhibition; "Global Minute" ------ artist Liu Huiming congratulated the Chinese New Year.

2021 Chinese Art Figures------ Liu Huiming - Heirloom Artists Online Exhibition.

2021 Cultural China Theme Tour Exhibition------ Liu Huiming Beijing Subway Line 1 Calligraphy and Painting Tour Exhibition; The special issue of the international journal "Cultural Vision" invites calligraphy and painting works to be published and distributed; Central Media Culture and Art invites specially appointed members of Culture and Art; Calligraphy and Painting Collection--- Recommended by Famous Calligraphy and Painting-Art Collection-Central Media Cultural Vision Liu Huiming Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition.

2021 calligraphy and painting custom purple clay pot and porcelain; calligraphy and painting custom porcelain; Calligraphy and painting custom bamboo tube wine.

Participated in the 2021 Outstanding Calligraphy and Artist Competition.

In 2021, the Beijing Tibetan Art Network "Fuhu Welcomes Spring - Danqing New Year" National Online Exhibition of Famous Calligraphy and Painting Artists focused on publicity and reporting.

2021 Beijing Art Fair Liu Huiming Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Inheritance and Innovation - Artist Liu Huimingyun Exhibition with Great Collection Potential 3D Art Museum Exhibition; Numerous media outlets publicized and reported.

In 2021, China National Arts Culture Publishing ---Chinese Artists inheritance and Innovation Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Masters Highlight Recommended Art Master Liu Huiming's solo album was published.

2021 Liu Huiming/Xuan Dance Ice and Snow Help Winter Olympics Han Mo Dan Qingsong Shenzhou ------ Chinese Calligraphy and Painters Famous Artists Network Invitation Exhibition; 2021 Global One Minute / Liu Huiming - 2022 Global Art Artist He Xinchun.

2022 "Congratulations to the New Year" 2022 stars in the world of calligraphy and painting to celebrate the New Year---- Chinese model - People's Artist Liu Huiming.

In 2022, the Ministry of Culture of China and the Ministry of Culture recommended the Beautiful China 100 authoritative media as the "Most Collectible Artist in 2022"; The organizing committee will award honorary trophies, honorary certificates, and honorary plaques to the selected artists; The official website news media special recommended report.

In 2022, Shandong Dacheng Traditional Culture Research Institute, together with all council members and members of the Calligraphy and Painting Creation Committee, as Chinese role models, greeted the global Chinese New Year and sent New Year congratulations.

In 2022, the strategic editorial board of "Chinese Poetry Popular Reader" invited selected poems to be published and distributed.

In 2022, he will participate in the special recommended artist ------ Liu Huiming of the National Two Sessions; "Masterpieces of Jade Masterpieces of the World" brings traditional culture into people's lives; [Heirloom Guoyu Masterpieces] ------ Liu Huiming's poetry, calligraphy and painting works online publicity.

In 2022, [A Generation of Famous Artists Paperweight First Release]------- Liu Huiming's calligraphy and painting works appreciate the ingenuity of calligraphy and painting jade paperweights; Audio QR code making.

2022 China Winter Olympics Art Image Ambassador ------ Liu Huiming-Meritorious Artists Online Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition; Won the 2022 China Winter Olympics Artist Image Ambassador Medal and honorary title.

In 2022, the "Asian Games Cup" National Calligraphy and Painting Photography Competition art work "Yunshen People's Home" won the silver award in the art category; The calligraphy work "Return to Glory" won the Silver Award in the Calligraphy Category.

In 2022, the special issue of the international journal "Cultural Vision" invited the famous calligraphy and painter Liu Huiming to publish and publish his works of calligraphy and painting.

In 2022, the Book Research Association of the China Yinglian Society invited models of calligraphy and painting. Famous Artist Style----- New Era People's Calligraphy and Painter Liu Huiming's works appreciation publicity report.

In 2022, China Philatelic Invitation to Publish and Release the New Era Contemporary Art Master Liu Huiming's large-scale documentary collection stamp album.

In 2022, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, welcome the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Great Wall of Steel, the Chinese National Gift Collection, the contemporary Chinese masterpiece, Liu Huiming, the philatelic album of calligraphy and painting, was published and distributed.

In June 2022, the calligraphy and painting work "Cloud Deep Love Residence" won the Excellence Award in the "Art Fighting the Epidemic, Art Exhibition Style" calligraphy and painting competition held by the China Education Television "Splashing Ink China Love Organizing Committee".

In 2022, he was specially invited to compile the "World Art Yearbook" large-scale series of classic works published by Singapore Hongyun Publishing House, and won the honorary title of International Artist Meritorious Service; New Chinese Medal for Exchange Envoys; and participated in the auction of Singapore Assen Auction Company.

In 2022, the specially invited "National Gift Artist, Danqing Ode to China" national banquet exclusive customized wine was selected as the state banquet wine. as a national gift at the BRICS meeting of the "Belt and Road"; Tasting at important events such as art fairs; and presented envoys and foreign guests to China.

In 2022, he was selected as a star representative of calligraphy and painting art in "Culture into Ten Thousand Homes---- Network Culture Construction Achievements" and issued a commemorative award and certificate. Major media networks publicized and received a case of high-end red wine.

In 2022, Shengshi Hanmo Times Danqing presented a gift to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; Calligraphy and painting works and biographies were compiled and published in the > collection of works of the < Sheng Shi Hanmo era Danqing - Chinese contemporary calligraphy and painting masterpieces; And awarded the "Tribute to the 20th Congress-Outstanding People's Artist Honorary Title and Honorary Medal".

In 2023, CETV China Education Television-Splashing Ink Chinese Love-Personal Exclusive-Liu Huiming's calligraphy and picture album calendar, won the honorary title of the most collectible value of the work.


‖Appreciation of  Liu Huiming's artworks‖


Liu Huiming artwork 1


Liu Huiming Artwork 2


Liu Huiming Artwork 3


Liu Huiming Artwork 4


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